about me

full-time designer, part-time...

dog mom, travel side-kick, interior decorating enthusiast, coffee aficionado, Target addict, pasta critic, plant parent, candle collector, determined DIY'er & craft hobbyist.

Let's be friends or co-workers or both. :)


my support team
Keeping my days filled with snuggles, my home filled with fur and my heart filled with joy since 2016.
Chief of Security
As the veteran of the group, Sadie takes her "top dog" duties very seriously. Loves belly rubs, hates squirrels. All-around angel.

Australian Cattle Dog & Black Lab Mix
Lead Taste Tester
We're not really sure what Bella's job is. Will eat anything and everything. Big chonk. We still love her, though. Excellent snuggler.

Maybe Australian Shepherd Mix?
Master Attention-Getter
Paradoxically, Charlie gives *scary dog privilege* but is deeply terrified. Of everything. Needs to be in your skin. Goodest of the good boys.

Boxer & Lab Mix

how can I help you?
