Mobile App Prototype
Radiant is a learning game that encourages users to take control of their health and have fun while building a healthier life.
why it’s important:
exploring gamification
We got to dive into elements like progress tracking and rewards as a means to keep users coming back to our app.
advanced Figma features
I took initiative to learn new features like conditional statements to make our game prototype fully interactive.
research plan
We conducted 5 user interviews to learn about our audience & sent out a survey with 20 responses to see how people consume information about health and where they get it.

We discovered several themes that were consistent among most interview and survey responses:

Desire to improve personal health
Engaging and interactive
ways to learn new content
Progress tracking & rewards 
Maintaining motivation

insight statement
Anna needs to easily interact with personalized preventative care resources in a fun and engaging manner because it will benefit her future by decelerating health issues and improve her personal engagement in her health journey.

user persona

Anna Reynolds

26 Year Old Marketing Coordinator from Minneapolis, MN

Outgoing | Curious | Driven | Creative

Needs to stay motivated longer

Is getting older

Doesn’t know where to look for information about her health

Wants an engaging way to learn about preventative healthcare

Wants & Needs

Learn more about preventative care

Become consistent with healthy habits

Learn about health in an engaging way

Improve personal health & wellbeing

value proposition

Radiant is developing a preventative care education app that provides users with engaging, interactive elements and trustworthy information to learn more about their health and stay motivated towards lifelong healthy habits.
Went to the doctor for a check up
Doctor informed her she has early signs of cardiovascular disease
Doctor recommends making lifestyle changes
Anna is feeling down about the news
She talks to her friend about the news
Her friend recommends downloading Radiant
Anna downloads the Radiant app
She chooses to learn about cardiovascular disease prevention
Anna interacts with the app  & starts to feel more hopeful and positive!
UI Design &
High-Fidelity Prototype
Radiant is a learning game that encourages users to take control of their health and have fun while building a healthier life.
view case study
Site Re-Design
Redesigning the Minnesota Hunger Initiative website will help users better navigate the site when finding volunteer opportunities and making donations.
why it’s important:
MN Hunger Initiative - Current Website
UI exploration
I had the opportunity to create and apply a style guide and learn about what elements are required for a solid UI.

problem statement

The Minnesota Hunger Initiative website is outdated, unrefined, and lacks information. These design flaws can be discouraging for users attempting to find information about ways to contribute.

value proposition

By implementing sophisticated and updated design elements, the Minnesota Hunger Initiative can enjoy a website that feels straightforward for prospective volunteers and helps educate individuals about the Initiative’s mission.
heuristic evaluation
brand design
UI components
style guide
MN Hunger Initiative
UI Design & Style Guide
High-Fidelity Prototype
The Minnesota Hunger Initiative is a non-profit organization dedicated to feeding Minnesotans in need. Updating the organization’s website will attract volunteers and increase awareness of the organization’s mission.
view Case study
Mobile App Prototype
why it’s important:
all the research
Here, I conducted in-depth user interviews and really dug into understanding their “why.”
learning users’ needs
I found out, first-hand, the value in finding what users need and how to put those needs first in the design process.
just build it
I jumped in to refine my prototyping skills and progress through the phases of testing and iterating designs.
Enjoys the novelty of travel. Values a seamless experience to focus on what matters most. Needs trip details to be easily accessible.
Travels mostly for family. Needs options for his family. Searches for the best deals. Needs to manage trip details for multiple family members.
Meticulous planner and heavy researcher. Values customizable tools. Wants more searching features.
Avid work traveler. Will pay for better experiences. Needs easy access to trip details and collaboration with colleagues.

user persona

Sarah Schneider

35 Year Old Product Manager from Seattle, WA

“I wish I could view all my family's travel information in one easy-to-read location.”

Social media
Family time
Trying new things
Local events


Frequent traveler


Creating memories
Work-life balance
Local experiences
Give back to the community


Managing the family’s details
Dealing with last-minute changes
Traveling family can be stressful
Worried about missing experiences

Downloaded the app before leaving
Added details to journeyhub
Airport is busy and family is late
Airline app not working
journeyhub alerted to a gate change
journeyhub saved the boarding passes
Flight arrived late
Checked journeyhub and easily made adjustments
Family is back on schedule and having fun
UX Research & Design
Mid-Fidelity Prototype
Journeyhub is a time management app that keeps track of travel details and presents them in a clean and easy-to-digest fashion.
Mobile App Prototype
HobbyHub is a space for hobbyists to unburden themselves of unused materials and find wanted items in a barter-type system.
why it’s important:
exploring more complex flows
We chose to refine our user flow and ensure the absence of any pain points or dead ends.
stick to the basics
This project does not progress beyond a low-fidelity prototype due to time constraints. This allowed us to focus more on creating a product with a sound experience before touching any major UI design elements.
Users that either actively pursue or have the desire to pursue hobbies will show interest in an exchange app and likely express reservations or lack of understanding in the general operating model. Users will want to understand the model and how it can benefit them.

Understand user's general thoughts and feelings surrounding hobbies and projects.

Understand if an app like this is frequently used.

Understand users' attitudes toward trading items instead of buying them.

Locate any user concerns.

insight statement
Hobbyists of all levels need a way to enjoy their hobby more often and explore new ones because they struggle to find easy and safe access to affordable and quality materials.

problem statement

A large majority of users experience challenges in finding affordable and quality materials for their hobbies.

How might we create a space that provides safe and easy access to no-cost resources for hobbyists to explore new activities and ultimately improve their daily lives?
Emma preparing floral arrangements

user persona

Emma Wright

29 Year Old Non-Profit Coordinator from Minneapolis, MN

“I love the idea of being able to shop around for hobbies I didn't even know I wanted to try.”

Worried about safety when meeting a stranger
Weighing the financial cost of buying items at a store against the time spent coordinating meet up 
Doesn’t want to use low quality or damaged supplies
Uneasy about people misrepresenting their items

Wants & Needs

Learn a new craft and build confidence
Save money doing her own wedding decor while trying something fun & new
Not be wasteful

journey map
Emma downloads the app and is optimistic about finding good items.
Sign-up process was simple and she is delighted to see that no payment method is required.
She searches for floral arrangement and is happy to see useful filters.
The search turned up with a handful of good options in her area, she chooses her favorite listing.
She finds credits are required and is confused about how to get them.
The app offers her a starter bundle of credits to get started trading and re-gains excitement.
She sets up her trade and is apprehensive but still excited.
The app has safety tips and helps her make a safe trade. She makes the trade and goes home happy.
user flow
UX Research & Design
Low-Fidelity Prototype
HobbyHub is a space for hobbyists to unburden themselves of unused materials and find wanted items in a barter-based system.
coming soon
mini projects
Bite-sized challenges to flex my design muscles and dig deeper into specific components of UX & UI design.
project title
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique.
project title
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique.
project title
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique.
graphic design
Design and aesthetics have always been focal points of my life. Good design can evoke feelings of joy, calm, happiness, energy and so much more. These projects are from my contributions as a graphic designer.
Sweet Lou's:
Logo Design
Sweet Lou's is an up and coming craft sausage & butchery in the Twin Cities area. As part of their request for a fresh website, a new logo and brand identity were necessary coming up on busy food truck & catering season.

The focus of the new logo is on the saucy hand-drawn type and classic mouth-watering color to emphasize the nature of Sweet Lou's menu.
Currents 2022:
Literary Magazine
A collaboration with the STLCC English department, our class was tasked with the design and layout of the annual literary magazine.

I selected a very emotional poem with many layers of thought and my design choices were centered around the idea of being able to relate to the content.

I also put forward a cover design, although it was not chosen as the final image, I am still proud of the design.

As a participant in the Art Direction Team, I helped to compile the many stories that were designed by our classmates and make executive decisions in the document layout.
Weather App:
User Interface
Pictured here is a weather app interface designed with typography in mind. This app is catered to those that want the weather basics presented in a beautiful and bright fashion.
GreenTree Festival:
New Identity
The GreenTree Festival is a local weekend of community festivities. The festival committee desired a new identity for the 2022 season.

I chose to go with a vintage-inspired aesthetic to complement the “cartoon caravan” theme for the year. Hand-drawn illustrations pay tribute to some of the many notable events that delight the crowds of Kirkwood, Missouri.

The type was designed as a template for future years to be adorned with characteristics of the new theme.
Designer Poster:
Lecture Series
Completed during Graphic Design 1 in my first semester of design education, these posters depict a series of hypothetical lectures by famed graphic designer, Michael Bierut. The goal of the poster series was to utilize his style as inspiration for my own designs.
Animated Tattoo:
AR Experience
As my favorite project, this process gives a new life to a black-only tattoo of my own. Using Augmented Reality (AR) Software, I was able to animate the artwork upon viewing on a mobile device.
St. Francois County:
Seal Re-Design
The County of St. Francois, Missouri was in need of a new seal to represent the evolving nature of the area. Having made its presence known in national news media, this presented an excellent design challenge. The area is rich in mining history, and boasts beautiful landscapes from rolling hills to winding rivers. The new mark features hand-lettered type, and elements that can be easily integrated into a larger branding effort.

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